N'Soul Phil, what do you think about APA Christian artists? (editor's note: Phil Kim is president of N'Soul - a successful Christian music label)
Don't Listen to Me
Christianity is imperialism of the soul! It should be condemned. Yellow folks flinging themselves down before the image of the White Man. (Editor's Note: This is seemingly another example of this person's agenda to just stir things up, as oppose to providing pertinent and important information for an informative dialogue.
AA Radio:
Leilani Clark will be huge.
N'Soul Phil, what is the outlook of hip-hop in three years and the possibility of an AA artist?
N'Soul Phil
Hip-hop will always be around and strong. It is definitely entrenched in the music culture - sales show that. Everyone thought it was a fad, but it kept on getting stronger and stronger.
I'll bet against that, by the end of the decade.
Don't Listen to Me
Hip-hop won't always be around. Just as blues turned into rock, rock into funk and funk into hip-hop - hip-hop will evolve and change name.
N'Soul Phil
Blues didn't turned into rock - the blues are still around. Rock evolved from the blues, but didn't replace it.
Don't Listen to Me:
Blues, at its most innovative height, evolved into rock and roll; the blues that we have today is the vestige of something that is no longer evolving because it has already evolved. Rock did replace the blues; Chuck Berry and Jimi Hendrix were doing the blues before they laid the foundations for rock.
N'Soul Phil
Blues is still happening!
Interview Overview
Section Descriptions
Listed below is a breakdown of the various sections of this informative 2 ½ hour Internet Chat on people's views of the past, present and future of Asian Pacific American music artists.
We hope that this transcript will provide thought-provoking insights of what it takes to achieve our goals.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by clicking HERE
PART 1 - Past reviews
PART 2 - Hip-hop - Good or bad?
PART 3 - "Asiancentric" sound
PART 4 - What hip-hop teaches
PART 5 - Chicago scene
PART 6 - AA filmmakers
PART 7 - Artist support
PART 8 - A new artist strugges
PART 9 - Going "Indie"
PART 10 - Achieving success
PART 11 - Christian & other music
PART 12 - What hip-hop teaches
Don't Listen to Me
Blues - Rock - Funk - Hip-Hop: it's all fundamentally the same music, just different names.
N'Soul Phil
There are thousands of blues musicians that don't play rock.
Don't Listen to Me
The "blues" are not actively evolving
Any Asian music publication or non-Asian publications that people here read?
There are no Asian music publications, though that would be a great idea
Don't Listen to Me
What's wrong with only Asian?
Because Asians doesn't dominate at this particular point of time
Don't Listen to Me
It does dominate - we just haven't organized ourselves into that dominating force yet - it's time for a movement. Actually the movement will have started in the Seattle event I mentioned before.
If it were dominated, we wouldn't be having this forum.
Don't Listen to Me
Of course it doesn't dominate; but in your mind, you can't think down on your people. We are nothing to be ashamed of. We, the Yellow People, are descended from Genghis Khan who conquered half of Europe. (Editor's Note: For our reading audience, we just want to remind you that this person's apparent agenda is to just stir things up.)
What AA artists should we support?
Don't Listen to Me
Asia Continental, Bao Phi, Faith Santilla, Fred Ho, Asian Crisis and all of the radical Asian artists and groups.
I don't think down on my people - I am ashamed of nothing. I'm just trying to get something started to show that we have just as much talent as all the other people
Don't Listen to Me
That means that we have to stop doing hip-hop and do our own thing.
I'm using hip-hop as a channel, just like the media
Don't Listen to Me
We've got to stop being the imitators and be the innovators.
Communication comes in various forms.