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FILM REVIEWS Crouching Tiger Romeo Must Die Snow Falling in Cedars BOOK REVIEWS Pursuing the Pearl INTERVIEWS Angela Lin Billy Crawford Hyepin Im Jacqueline Kong Jocelyn Enriquez Kiana Tom Larissa Lam ARTICLES AA Christian Music AA Hate Crimes & Fetish Burning of a Chinatown Demise of Mr. Wong EWP & Diversity Improving 501c-3 Orgs. KA Churches Lost Empire Review Politics Vincent Chin SPEECHES George Takei on Diversity GENERAL ARTICLES 21st Century Racism AA Cinema AA Stereotype Amy Tan Interview APA Discriminatin Are you a "SCW?" AsAm Females AsAm Male Bashing Asian American Cinema Asian American Image Asian Attitude Asian Invasion of Hollywood Asian Male Asians on Campus Asian Stereotypes Asian Women (Media) Black Racism Casting Discriminations Color Blind World Demographic Figures Hate Crimes (1998) Hate Crimes (1999) Hate Crimes on the Rise History Joy Luck Club Sucks KA Women Cinema Media Watch Model Minority Minority Report (SAG) Minority Report (TV) Nightline on AsAm's Nightline on Immigrants Origin of Stereotypes President's Initiatives Racism Racism - Angela Oh Racism - Angelo Ragaza Racism - Gary Locke Racism - John Kim Racism (Military) Racism - Norman Mineta Racism - Phil Tajitsu Nash Racism - Steward Ikeda Racism (Views) Stereotypes Struggle for Roles Then and Now Too Many Asians!?! Trouble w/AsAm Films United Vanishing AsAm Males What Kind of Asian? White House Prejudice Yellow Face Yellow or Gold?
TURN ON THE TELEVISION on any given night and you can count on one hand the number of Asian faces you'll see. This year, the absence of people of color on TV is especially glaring as not a single non-white leading color or theme could be found on any of the twenty-six new television series premiering on the four major networks.
AS YOU MAY HAVE HEARD OR READ, EWP is working to change the status quo. EWP is one of 18 different organizations, including the Media Action Network for Asian Americans ( MANAA), the National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium, the Organization of Chinese Americans and the newly-formed Asian American Coalition for Total Inclusion On the Networks (AACTION), that have joined to form the ad hoc Asian Pacific American Media Coalition. The APA Media Coalition, in turn, is one of the four equal partners - along with the NAACP, the National Latino Media Coalition (an umbrella organization representing ten Hispanic/Latino groups) and American Indians in Film and Television (AIF&T) - in a national, multi-cultural coalition that is pressing for a measurable, lasting increase in diversity on network television. THE MULTI-CULTURAL COALITION is chaired by AIF&T chair, Sonny Skyhawk and three former Congressmen: Kweisi Mfume (CEO of the NAACP), Esteban Torres and Norman Mineta. By threatening viewer and advertiser boycotts, waging a high profile publicity campaign and holding evidentiary hearings, the coalition has instigated ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC to take action to address the networks' lack of diversity, both in front of and behind the cameras. FOR ITS PART, EWP drafted and disseminated a petition entitled "The Whitewashing of Network Television Must End" that garnered the endorsements of over 800 organizations and individuals, including the nation's leading civil rights and media advocacy groups and persons of every race and background; held a press conference in front of the Union Center for the Arts at which EWP Council of Governors' co-chair, George Takei, denounced the networks' presentation of a fantasy version of America that excludes people of color and that tends to treat Asian Americans, when they are depicted at all, as foreigners; and met with the presidents of NBC and Fox to educate them about APAs' particular concerns and to seek equal opportunities for APAs to be full participants in the television industry. DIRECT NEGOTIATIONS between top network executives and the co-chairs of the multi-cultural coalition has resulted in strong commitments to diversify network television. As this newsletter goes to press, written agreements are being finalized to memorialize the networks' commitment to diversity.
EACH NETWORK'S AGREEMENT is different but they may include such elements as:
of all of these changes probably will not be known for several years but EWP views them as very positive steps towards
diversifying network television.
EWP also intends to
closely monitor
each of the network's progress towards meeting its diversity goals and will not hesitate to work with its coalition partners to employ other strategies if necessary to effect additional change in this area. In addition, after agreements with ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC are finalized, EWP, working with the multi-cultural coalition, intends to
press other entertainment industry entities to diversify, including the WB and UPN networks, film and television production companies and talent agencies.
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