AA Radio:
About a year ago, I saw some articles in D.C. press remarking about the strength of non-black hip-hop.
Actually hip-hop exist in Asia, but it's too difficult here (United States) to be successful.
IT'S an identity
Don't Listen to Me:
Hip-hop is imperialism in Asia
Interview Overview
Section Descriptions
Listed below is a breakdown of the various sections of this informative 2 ½ hour Internet Chat on people's views of the past, present and future of Asian Pacific American music artists.
We hope that this transcript will provide thought-provoking insights of what it takes to achieve our goals.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by clicking HERE
PART 1 - Past reviews
PART 2 - Hip-hop - Good or bad?
PART 3 - "Asiancentric" sound
PART 4 - What hip-hop teaches
PART 5 - Chicago scene
PART 6 - AA filmmakers
PART 7 - Artist support
PART 8 - A new artist strugges
PART 9 - Going "Indie"
PART 10 - Achieving success
PART 11 - Christian & other music
PART 12 - What hip-hop teaches
Asians these days aren't just 2nd generation anymore.
Don't Listen to Me:
The hip-hop industry is now completely owned by whites.
In the United States
I agree, Don't Listen to Me, with the musical imperialism part
Don't Listen to Me
So international hip-hop is an outgrowth of white imperialism
Hip-hop is owned by whites because there are big $$$ in hip-hop
I agree
Don't Listen to Me
Remember how rock turned from black to white? That's what's happening to hip-hop right now.
But on the flip-side - the people purchasing all this hip-hop music isn't white
That's true
I don't think that it's a race thing. It's Asians trying to copy "what's cool."
So what if Caucasians are at the top. That's because they have been here a tad longer than we have.
People have complained that Asians in hip-hop is that they have always been the imitators - never the INNOVATORS. (Editor's Note: The music industry is filled with imitators from many nationalities such as Black, White, European, Hispanic, etc. to make money on the latest fads - why not Asians?) They've stated why must we always follow what others invent? Let's invent something original. Many people have stated that it should come from an "Asiancentric" perspective without providing any clear definition(s) of what this means.
Its only time before there will be minority-owned companies (i.e. BET)
Does everyone know that Classified Records, a successful label, just folded?
Classified Records folded?
That's part of AMedia, I think
Out of business. Click2Asia bought it (Classified Records)
Click2Asia bought it for what purpose?