All music started out as an "Indie" - grunge, alternative and even rock and roll. It's a moot point - it's the current state that matters, no?
That point being "Indies" can be successful! What's this "oh have to go with the money" kow-towing?
You have to take risks. Taking risks means going against what is in fashion.
Greg Pak:
Now on the flip side (haw haw) haven't Filipinos had a lot of "Indie" success recently? Classified Records, is that a model for others to follow?
Classified Records is out of business.
There is a growing interest in jam bands, which is interesting.
Root - I'd disagree with the "go against" but I do agree in taking risks on a "hit."
Blue Audio:
Does anyone have comments on International promotion? I've found certain European countries to be very receptive and someone said that Asian Americans could benefit from a global audience on the Internet.
That's interesting, but unless it hits here in the States, I would think that it would be hard to distribute in an International market. Aren't there less Asians in Europe?
AA Radio:
Exposure and marketing abroad needs to be tried more
Untrue. Europe is usually ahead of the fashion musically, at least these days.
Interview Overview
Section Descriptions
Listed below is a breakdown of the various sections of this informative 2 ½ hour Internet Chat on people's views of the past, present and future of Asian Pacific American music artists.
We hope that this transcript will provide thought-provoking insights of what it takes to achieve our goals.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by clicking HERE
PART 1 - Past reviews
PART 2 - Hip-hop - Good or bad?
PART 3 - "Asiancentric" sound
PART 4 - What hip-hop teaches
PART 5 - Chicago scene
PART 6 - AA filmmakers
PART 7 - Artist support
PART 8 - A new artist strugges
PART 9 - Going "Indie"
PART 10 - Achieving success
PART 11 - Christian & other music
PART 12 - What hip-hop teaches
AA Radio:
Penn Masala said that they had a good reaction in the U.K. Kevin So said he figured out how to reach audiences in Switzerland
Blue Audio:
Distribution on an "Indie" label isn't too hard, basic licensing is usually good for both parties. I've seen a good response from Germany and Sweden.
Only in the U.S. is hip-hop really in vogue and I hate the idea that hip-hop is ASIAN music
Who stated that?
Nobody. It's the idea and the perception of what people think when you say Asian music.
Greg Pak:
MC, you were asking what filmmakers can do. I know that filmmakers have done quite a bit. Chris Chan Lee and Gene Cajayon both used AA music in their soundtracks and Chris made a video for Seam. These kinds of strategies seem kind of small now, but if an AA filmmaker has a crossover hit with an AA soundtrack, things can start to cook.
How about Chris Lee using an APA artist for his next film, since his current film "Final Fantasy" has already been released?
That's an interesting idea
Greg Pak:
Right now, Chris Lee has a wider span of influence than Chris Chan Lee
Any thoughts on AA music videos? I've seen some impressive Korean ones
Greg Pak:
Charlie's Angels used some interesting music in the soundtrack. But I guess it was Asian, not Asian American. Pizzicato 5. Did they use some of the music from Cibo Matto? It's not a video, but Rea Tajiri used a Seam song in her short film "Aloha" and its streaming at Asian American Films.
At the Asian American film festivals that you've attended, were many AA artists used?
Greg Pak:
A couple of festivals have actually programmed AA music videos and they've had artists performed. John Cho played at the last LA festival.
Blue Audio, were your songs used in any films?
Blue Audio:
I haven't had any placement in films, though I've been talking to people about music video production possibilities.
What kind of songs?
Blue Audio:
My situation is a little different than most. As an artist, I'm in the genre of modern synthpop which stems from groups like Erasure, Depreche Mode, etc. (hence, the good response from Europe)
Greg Pak:
The music video thing is intriguing. There are so many AA filmmakers who might really dig working with an AA band on music videos.
Blue Audio:
My other project is running an independent record label which has some decent financial resources but I don't know what to do with it.
When you say you "don't know what to do with it" - what do you mean and/or what are your options?
Blue Audio:
I've worked with other artists, producing and recording them - but I'm not sure how to best promote these artists.
As for me, I've started up a talent placement/A&R service service of my own focused on artists here in the San Francisco area.
Blue Audio:
I've done the college circuit thing to the local Asian American organizations
That's impressive
Blue Audio:
That's good money, but I don't know if that's strong enough exposure.
How many artists have you signed/produced?
Blue Audio:
We've put together big events. I've done a couple shows with a band from California called "Anything Box" where we pulled in close to 2,000 people - almost all Asian Americans. It's a receptive crowd if things are promoted well.
"Anything Box?"
Blue Audio:
Yeah, from the 80's. I actually produced a demo with an artist name "hana" that was shopped to various labels. I met MC through "Hana."